Center for Community Health Partnership & Research aims to connect faculty, researchers and community members to enhance community-engaged research activities in the St. Louis region. We provide technical and financial support through a variety of collaborative mechanisms.

Connect with us through our services below, or browse our events and resources to find additional community engagement opportunities.



A consultation with our team can address topics related to community engagement strategies, finding partners and developing partnerships, and funding for community-engaged research.

Request a consultation with us if you:

  • Are a researcher, faculty, or research team member seeking assistance with community engagement in your research project.
  • Are a community member or organization seeking assistance with developing a community-academic partnership or engaging in research.
Community Engagement Studios

A Community Engagement (CE) Studio is a 2-hour facilitated session that provides a research team with quick and valuable community or patient input. A CE Studio may be helpful at different stages of project development and/or implementation.

Request a CE Studio if you are a researcher who is looking for:

  • Community or patient feedback on study materials;
  • Ideas about entry points for community-based recruitment;
  • Early community or patient input about a project idea; or
  • Feedback on how to best share project findings with your target audience(s).

To learn more about the CE studio process, please contact Hilary Broughton at

Reactive Barometer Sessions

Reactive Barometer Sessions are a service of the Community Advisory Board. Faculty and research teams across disciplines seeking feedback on patient and community engagement in the St. Louis region may request to meet with the CAB. 

The board supports:

  1. Centering health equity in St. Louis
  2. Making community connections and introductions
  3. Providing perspective on gaps in research

Contact Hilary Broughton at to schedule a session.

Learn more about session expectations >>

Funding Opportunities

Community Benefit Funding
Capacity Building Fund

The Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS) and the Institute for Public Health award technical assistance valued up to $5,000 to community organizations. Awards support leadership, communication, data management, and evaluation. Organizations do not need an academic partner to apply.

Pilot Funding for Community-Engaged Research Grant Preparation
Clinical and Translational Research Funding Program (CTRFP)

The Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences’ (ICTS) internal grant funding program promotes the translation of scientific discovery to human health. Awards are considered for community-engaged research projects between established community-academic partners.

Funding to Support Community-Academic Partnership Development
Partnership Development & Sustainability Support (PDSS)

The Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS) supports ICTS investigators and their community partner(s) with up to $10,000 over a one-year period to develop the trust, infrastructure, capacity, and skills needed to support future collaborative grant opportunities. PDSS funding is available to new partnerships in development as well as existing partnerships.

Community Partnership Seed Funding

By invitation only, researchers and community organizations can apply for funding to support initial planning and collaboration meetings, priority and agenda setting, identification of community-engaged principles and the initial development of a memorandum of understanding.

To learn more, contact

Institute for Public Health Funding Programs

The Institute for Public Health offers several funding opportunities throughout the year, including rapid seed funding.

Find more funding opportunities in our Community-Engaged Research Guide, provided in part by the Bernard Becker Medical Library.