Missouri Medicaid Enrollment Dashboard
This dashboard provides an interactive display of public data from the MO HealthNet monthly management reports, monthly managed care reports, and monthly caseload counter. It will be updated on a monthly basis and may be supplemented by data from other sources in the future. Medicaid stakeholders and the public can use this dashboard to track the impact of Medicaid expansion on Missouri Medicaid enrollment across the state. Medicaid expansion in Missouri has made many individuals newly eligible for Medicaid coverage, and therefore an increase in Medicaid enrollment is expected.
Data contained in this dashboard includes:
The Center for Advancing Health Services, Policy & Economics Research has produced briefs that explain the overall impact that expansion is expected have on the number of Medicaid enrollees in Missouri and the demographic characteristics and health status of the newly eligible Medicaid beneficiaries.
This dashboard has been created with support from Missouri Foundation for Health.