WashU researchers’ discovery opens new doors to HIV treatment
Public Health Faculty Scholars who work in the Division of Infectious Diseases have made a unique discovery that could positively impact HIV treatment.
Center collaborator: “Connections ensure trust and sustainability”
Multicenter collaborator, Juliet Iwelunmor works to make evidence-based interventions last. Read her latest profile.
Center offers casual monthly collaboration for anyone interested in implementation science
Written by Kim Furlow and Ashley Sturm, Center for Dissemination and Implementation The Center for Dissemination and Implementation invites those who have a new interest in or who are entrenched in implementation science to visit the monthly WUNDIR Café. WUNDIR stands for Washington University Network of Dissemination and Implementation Researchers and is a team that […]
Dissemination and Implementation Science flourishes at WashU centers, institutes and initiatives
Dissemination and implementation is flourishing at WashU. Find out how, where and how to get engaged!
Physicians/Public Health Faculty Scholars publish review on current state of HIV
Read their review of the state of HIV, co-authored by public health faculty scholars and researchers, Aaloke Mody, MD and Elvin Geng, MD.
Center collaborator uses implementation science to advance mental health treatment for HIV patients in South Africa
Meet Asst. Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at WashU’s School of Medicine, Lindsey Filiatreau, PhD, MPH. She’s in the center collaborator dissemination & implementation SPOTLIGHT!