
Public Health Cubed grant awarded to study human trafficking

Faculty Scholars Rumi Kato Price, Tonya Edmond, and Min Lian have received the inaugural Public Health Cubed grant for a project titled “Human Trafficking in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area.” As noted in their abstract, despite the attempts of legislators and attention by the media, human trafficking remains a largely intractable problem in the US and around the world. Human trafficking presents a significant public health threat. It is multifaceted phenomenon, requiring cross-disciplinary approaches for providing solutions.

This team, involving faculty from Washington University School of Medicine’s Departments of Psychiatry and General Medical Sciences, and the Brown School, will work together with over two dozen community agencies and advocacy leaders to compile quantitative human trafficking data for the St. Louis region.

The PH3 funding phase will help achieve study aims including:

  • Produce a sampling frame of St. Louis by-state region service provider networks;
  • Collect in information on individual survivors known to provider networks; and
  • Combine risk factor indices and individual survivor information to map out a human trafficking problem landscape with St. Louis Metropolitan Area.

Learn more about the Public Health Cubed initiative.