Understanding nutrient deficiencies

How can researchers combat short-term starvation? Read about one student’s experience in this research from her time in the Summer Research Program – RADIANCE Track.

Summer in St. Louis

A student in the RADIANCE track of the Summer Research Program finds there is more to St. Louis than she thought.

The ultimate goal: Save a heart

A student in the RADIANCE track of the Summer Research Program witnesses a heart operation.

The inextricable nature of food insecurity: A deeper look at Haiti’s eroded and disturbed river ecosystems

Written by Kyle Tran, A.B. candidate in biology, microbiology at Washington University in St. Louis; and participant in the 2023 Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program As a participant in the  Summer Research DIversity Program in Cardiovascular Disease & Hematology (RADIANCE) track, I was given the opportunity to attend a lecture titled, From Pearl […]