
Aging and the environment

In October 2014, Washington University hosted the McDonnell International Scholars Academy 5th International Symposium to explore “The Role of Research Universities in Addressing Global Challenges.” One of the speakers at the event was Janet L. Gamble, PhD, an economist at the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Global Change Research Program in the Office of Research and Development. She offered a talk titled “Implications of Climate Change for Older Americans.”

View the slides (PDF)

Some key points addressed included:

  • A changing climate in brief
  • Assessing the three aspects of vulnerability to climate change: sensitivity to risks; exposures, especially due to geographic proximity; and determinants of adaptive capacity
  • Designing and implementation adaptation measures
  • Community risks
  • Identifying research needs

You can also read more in her article “Climate Change and Older Americans: State of Science” published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.