Events / CHEPAR Meeting with Sarah Moreland-Russell & Jesse Davis

CHEPAR Meeting with Sarah Moreland-Russell & Jesse Davis

The Center for Advancing Health Services, Policy & Economics Research merged our monthly meetings (formerly known as CHEPAR) with the Center for Administrative Data Research users’ group meeting to create the Health Services Research (HSR) Collaborative seminar series.

These meetings take place on the third Wednesday of the month and are open to WashU faculty, staff, students and external collaborators.

Featured Presentations

Building Capacity for Public Health Program Sustainability

Sarah Moreland-Russell, PhD
Associate Professor of Practice, Saint Louis University

Fathers First Initiative: Exploring the Impact of Paternal Involvement on Infant and Maternal Health Outcomes in the NICU Setting

Jesse Davis, MD, MBA
Hospitalist, Division of Newborn Medicine, Clinical Instructor, Department of Pediatrics, Washington University School of Medicine

Please contact to reserve a 20 -minute spot on the calendar to present your research, research ideas or grant applications at an upcoming CHEPAR meeting