The Global Health Seminar Series aims to bring together members of the Washington University global health community to learn about each other’s work.
People working on a grant, paper or a new idea are encouraged to present their work at this meeting to get feedback. To propose a presentation for a future meeting, please contact
This meeting will take place in person in room 132 of Goldfarb Hall. Please register to attend. Lunch will be provided.
Goldfarb Hall is located in the southeast corner of the WashU Danforth Campus. View parking information and directions.
Please register to receive your own unique link to attend via Zoom meeting.
If you have any accessibility needs, please contact We need to be notified at least five business days prior to the event to guarantee accommodation for interpretation and CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) services.
Featured Presentation
Capacity to Sustain Pediatric Early Warning Systems for Childhood Cancer Survival in Latin America — A work in progress
Virginia McKay, MA, PhD
Assistant Professor, Brown School