Events / Solo Aging Well

Solo Aging Well

September 28, 2022
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Older age rings a new set of opportunities and challenges. Solo agers have unique experiences in later life that require thoughtful planning. Join STL Village and the Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging for a live discussion of successful solo aging.

Carol Marak — author of Solo and Smart: The Roadmap for a Supportive and Secure Future — will offer guidance for aging as a single person. Panelists will share the legal considerations for single individuals and ways to meet new people and remain connected.

There will be time to network following the presentation.


This event is free, but registration is required. Light refreshments will be served.

About the speaker

Carol Marak is the author of SOLO and SMART, A Roadmap for a Supportive and Secure Future. After spending thousands of hours helping her parents with their elder care needs and aging issues, researching for resources, and writing hundreds of articles on aging-related topics for the senior care sector, Carol has learned what is needed to grow older confidently even when living solo.  


This event will take place at The Stupp Center in Tower Grove Park located at

3616 Southeast Drive
St. Louis, MO 63110