Events / Transitioning to Retirement: Tips from Recent Retirees

Transitioning to Retirement: Tips from Recent Retirees

November 6, 2023
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Brown Lounge, Brown Hall

Join us for a peer to peer discussion about what WashU employees need to do to successfully transition to retirement. This workshop will be led by recent WashU retiree John Russell, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Developmental Biology, Treasurer and Past President, Society of Professors Emeriti. John and other members of the Society of Professors Emeriti will discuss topics such as the timeline for retirement, healthcare options, financial concerns, emeritus status and more.

John Russell, PhD

Professor Emeritus Developmental Biology Treasurer and Past President, Society of Professors Emeriti


All employees of WashU are welcome to attend, there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. This is a free event, but registration is required.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Directions & parking

This event will take place in the Brown Lounge in Brown Hall, located in the southeast corner of the WashU Danforth Campus. View parking information and directions.

We recommend parking in the East End Garage at the intersection of Forsyth Blvd. and Wrighton Way.


If you have any accessibility needs, please contact Emily Hickner at We need to be notified at least five business days prior to the event to guarantee accommodation for interpretation and CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) services.