Chih-Hung Chang, PhD
Professor of Occupational Therapy, Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery, School of Medicine
As a foremost psychometrician and researcher in health services, Professor Chang leverages his training in research methodology and quantitative psychology to advance the integration of technology and methodology for improved clinical outcomes assessment and management. With extensive expertise in patient-centered outcomes measurement and management using item response theory (IRT) and computerized adaptive testing (CAT) in diverse populations and settings, he created “Clinical Infometrics,” a field that blends measurement sciences, predictive analytics, evidence-based medicine, and informatics to inform clinical decision making in real time and enhance symptom and disease management over time. Professor Chang heads the Psychometrics+Informatics Laboratory (The pi Lab), working to integrate advanced psychometrics and evolving informatics to deepen our understanding of human health and participation. The pi Lab prioritizes the translation of measurement theory and data science methods to clinical applications.