Derek S. Brown, PhD

Derek S. Brown, PhD

Associate Professor, Brown School

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Dr. Brown is a health economist who uses innovative methods to quantify health, health care, and behaviors. He applies econometric models to large administrative and survey data sets to study health impacts, costs, and outcomes. Dr. Brown also develops stated preference surveys to measure the value of health care, determinants of health behaviors, and preferences for and valuation of quality of life.

Dr. Brown’s current substantive areas are child health (Medicaid, child maltreatment, mental health, and quality of life) and preventive behaviors (screening, testing, vaccines, and incentives). He is also affiliated with the Duke Global Health Institute and is conducting a study of HIV screening in Tanzania. He previously worked on economic studies of obesity, diabetes, and visual impairment.

Dr. Brown is a member of the DHHS/CDC Healthy People 2020 advisory group on health-related quality of life. Prior to coming to Washington University, he had several years of experience working as a consultant to public health policymakers at the CDC.