Leila N. Sadat, JD, LLM, DEA

Leila N. Sadat, JD, LLM, DEA

James Carr Professor of International Criminal Law and Director, Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute, School of Law

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Since 2012, Professor Sadat has served as Special Adviser on Crimes Against Humanity to the ICC Prosecutor. She launched the Crimes Against Humanity Initiative to address global atrocity crimes and drafted a treaty on their punishment and prevention. In 2018, she launched the Gun Violence Project to examine U.S. government responses to gun violence in light of U.S. obligations under international human rights law. Professor Sadat is an internationally-recognized authority and prolific writer in the fields of public international law, international criminal law, human rights and foreign affairs. She has published more than 100 books and articles in leading journals, academic presses, and media outlets and her most recent book, Seeking Accountability for the Unlawful Use of Force (Cambridge, 2018) has been widely praised. Her film, Never Again: Forging a Convention for Crimes Against Humanity was accepted in several international film festivals. She also serves as the President of the International Law Association (American Branch).