Ross C. Brownson, PhD
Steven H. and Susan U. Lipstein Distinguished Professor of Public Health, Brown School and School of Medicine
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A leading expert in chronic disease prevention and an expert in the area of applied epidemiology, Ross C. Brownson is regarded as one of the great intellectual, educational and practice leaders in the field of evidence-based public health. Brownson has a joint appointment with the university’s School of Medicine in the Department of Surgery and the Siteman Cancer Center.
Brownson directs the Prevention Research Center, a WashU center that develops innovative approaches to chronic disease prevention through translational research. His research focus areas include:
Evaluation of environmental and policy change:
This includes exploration of the effects of the built environment and policies on physical activity and obesity, and effective methods of communicating with state legislators on cancer control policy.
Chronic disease intervention:
Development of innovative community-based interventions for prevention of chronic diseases, including those addressing social and policy determinants. This includes implementation of innovative interventions and partnerships in developing countries to prevent chronic diseases.
Dissemination research:
Development of innovative methods and approaches in dissemination and implementation research, as well as dissemination of existing evidence-based interventions for prevention of cancer and other chronic diseases.
Exploration of how to increase the reach, sophistication and impact of training in evidence-based public health among practitioners. Also development of new training programs in prevention research to serve pre- and postdoctoral students.