Shenyang Guo, PhD

Shenyang Guo, PhD

Frank J. Bruno Distinguished Professor of Social Work Research, Brown School; Assistant Vice Chancellor for International Affairs - Greater China

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Dr. Guo is the author of numerous research articles on child welfare, child mental health services, welfare, and health care. His research interests center on the application of advanced statistical models to solving social welfare problems and he has taught graduate courses that address survival analysis, random effects models, growth curve modeling, propensity score analysis, and program evaluation.

Dr. Guo has given many invited workshops on statistical methods—including survival analysis and propensity score analysis—to NIH Summer Institute, Children’s Bureau, the Society of Social Work and Research conferences, and Statistical Horizons. Previously, he was the Director of Applied Statistical Working Group at UNC – Chapel Hill. He led the data analysis planning for the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW) longitudinal analysis and developed analytic strategies that address issues of weighting, clustering, growth modeling, and propensity score analysis.

Dr. Guo also directed the analysis of data from the Making Choices Project, a NIDA funded prevention trial.  He has published several articles that include methodological works on the analysis of longitudinal data, multivariate failure time data, program evaluation, and multi-level modeling. Dr. Guo is on the editorial board of Social Service Review and a frequent guest reviewer for journals seeking a critique of advanced methodological analyses.