Graham A. Colditz, MD, DrPH

Graham A. Colditz, MD, DrPH

Deputy Director, Institute for Public Health

Additional Titles: Niess-Gain Professor and Chief, Division of Public Health Sciences in the Department of Surgery, Program Director of the Master of Population Health Sciences Degree Program, and Associate Director for Prevention & Control, Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center

Keywords: breast cancer, cancer, cardiovascular disease, colorectal cancer, community-engaged research & practice, disparities, evidence-based practice, graduate education, intervention research, mathematical modeling, meta-analysis, observational study, outcomes research, overweight & obesity, physical activity, population health, prevention, racial & ethnic minorities, randomized-controlled trial, women’s health

Susan B. Racette, PhD

Susan B. Racette, PhD

Voluntary Research Professor of Physical Therapy, Program in Physical Therapy, School of Medicine

Kevin Stephenson, MD

Kevin Stephenson, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of General Medicine & Geriatrics, School of Medicine

Rachel G. Tabak, PhD

Rachel G. Tabak, PhD

Associate Professor, Brown School