
Tara Copper, MD, MS
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine
- Email: tara.copper@wustl.edu

Heather A. Corcoran, MFA
Halsey C. Ives Professor, Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts Interim Dean, University College
- Email: hcorcoran@wustl.edu

Lenise Cummings-Vaughn, MD, CMD
Associate Professor, Geriatrics and Nutritional Sciences, School of Medicine
- Email: lcumming@wustl.edu

Ann Marie Dale, PhD
Professor of Medicine and Occupational Therapy, Division of General Medicine & Geriatrics, School of Medicine
- Email: amdale@wustl.edu
Keywords: chronic disease, community health, community-engaged research & practice, drug use, epidemiology, intervention research, occupational health

Gautam Dantas, PhD
Conan Professor of Laboratory and Genomic Medicine, School of Medicine
- Email: dantas@wustl.edu

Nicholas O. Davidson, MD
John E. and Adaline Simon Professor of Medicine and Developmental Biology Chief, Division of Gastroenterology, School of Medicine
Additional titles: Director, Digestive Disease Research Core Center

Jesse A. Davis, MD, MBA
Instructor, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine
- Email: jessedavis@wustl.edu

Kia L. Davis, ScD. MPH
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Public Health Sciences Division, School of Medicine
- Email: DavisKL@wustl.edu

Tamara L. Doering, MD, PhD
Alumni Endowed Professor of Molecular Microbiology, School of Medicine
- Email: doering@wustl.edu

Bettina F. Drake, PhD, MPH
Professor of Surgery, Division of Public Health Sciences, School of Medicine
- Email: drakeb@wustl.edu

Erik R. Dubberke, MD, MSPH
Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine
- Email: edubberk@wustl.edu

William C. Dunagan, MD, MS
Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine
- Email: cdunagan@bjc.org

Michael J. Durkin, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine
- Email: mdurkin@wustl.edu

Christopher J. Dy, MD, MPH, FACS
Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, School of Medicine
- Email: cjdy@wustl.edu

Seth Eisen, MD, MS
Professor of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, School of Medicine
- Email: seth.eisen@wustl.edu

David L. Eisenberg, MD, MPH
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine
- Email: eisenbergd@wustl.edu

Matthew S. Ellis, PhD, MPE
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine
- Email: ellism@wustl.edu

Rowhea M. Elmesky, PhD, MS
Associate Professor of Education, Department of Education
- Email: relmesky@wustl.edu

Sarah K. England, PhD
Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Professor of Medicine, Vice Chair - Research, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine
- Email: englands@wustl.edu

Bradley A. Evanoff, MD, MPH
Richard A. and Elizabeth Henby Sutter Professor of Occupational, Industrial, and Environmental Medicine, Assistant Dean for Clinical and Translational Research, and Director of the Division of General Medical Sciences, School of Medicine
- Email: bevanoff@wustl.edu

Alexander O. Everhart, PhD
Instructor in Medicine, Division of General Medicine & Geriatrics, School of Medicine
- Email: everhart@wustl.edu

Sarah S. Farabi, PhD
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine
- Email: ssfarabi@wustl.edu

Steven Fazzari, PhD
Bert A. and Jeanette L. Lynch Distinguished Professor of Economics; Professor of Sociology; School of Arts & Sciences and Brown School
- Email: fazz@wustl.edu

Mario F. Feldman, PhD
Professor of Molecular Microbiology, School of Medicine
- Email: mariofeldman@wustl.edu

Dan Ferris, PhD
Assistant Professor of Practice, Brown School
- Email: dan.ferris@wustl.edu
Associate Director of Training and Education, Social Policy Institute

Lindsey Filiatreau, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine
- Email: flindsey@wustl.edu

Peter U. Fischer, PhD, MS
Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine
- Email: pufische@wustl.edu

Ellen E. Fitzsimmons-Craft, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine
- Email: fitzsimmonse@wustl.edu

James M. Fleckenstein, MD
Professor of Medicine, Professor of Molecular Microbiology, School of Medicine
- Email: jflecken@wustl.edu

Randi Foraker, PhD, MA, FAHA, FAMIA
Professor, Division of General Medical Sciences, School of Medicine
- Email: randi.foraker@wustl.edu
Associate Professor, Division of General Medical Sciences, School of Medicine; Associate Professor of Public Health, Brown School; Director, Center for Population Health Informatics , Institute for Informatics

Patrick J. Fowler, PhD
Professor and Director, Doctoral Program in Public Health Sciences, Brown School
- Email: pjfowler@wustl.edu

Kenneth E. Freedland, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, School of Medicine
- Email: freedlak@wustl.edu

Matthew Gabel, PhD, MA
Professor, Department of Political Science, Arts & Sciences
- Email: mgabel@wustl.edu

Elvin Geng, MD, MPH
Director, Center for Dissemination & Implementation
- Email: elvin.geng@wustl.edu
Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine and Director, Dissemination and Implementation Research Core, Institute for Clinical and Translational Science

Daniel Giammar, PhD, MS
Walter E. Browne Professor of Environmental Engineering, McKelvey School of Engineering
- Email: giammar@wustl.edu

James L. Gibson, PhD
Sidney W. Souers Professor of Government, Arts & Sciences
- Email: jgibson@wustl.edu