Center issues report on benefits of expanding Missouri’s Primary Care Health Homes Program for the chronically ill

The Center for Health Economics & Policy has released a report suggesting that Medicaid recipients can receive better quality, comprehensive home care by expanding the state’s “Primary Care Health Homes” (PCHH) program. The program currently enables patients with at least two chronic health conditions (heart problems, diabetes, etc.) to receive extra help managing their health […]

Center releases analysis of what’s ahead for Medicaid expansion in Missouri

By Kim Furlow, communications manager & Timothy McBride, Co-director of the Center for Health Economics & Policy at the Institute for Public Health Since Medicaid expansion was passed by voters in Missouri in August 2020, the Center for Health Economics & Policy at Washington University has been producing analyses to help state and local service […]

Postpartum diabetes screening essential for health equity in women

Paving the path to reproductive equity requires raising awareness of the long term consequences of conditions first diagnosed in pregnancy.  Pregnancy complications like gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia serve as early warning signs for a woman’s future disease risk; however, our fragmented healthcare system often makes it difficult to effectively monitor and prevent disease in these […]

Therapy Services Reinstated in Missouri Medicaid After Key Policy Recommendations

The State of Missouri recently announced that it is amending its Medicaid Plan to allow for alternative therapies treatments for chronic pain, including services provided by acupuncturists, chiropractors, and physical therapists, effective April 1. This important policy change is similar to a suite of policy recommendations considered in discussions held over the last year, in […]

Medicaid Work Requirements: What Would the Impact be in Missouri on Enrollment, Costs and Health?

Written by Linda Li, MPH, Abigail Barker, PhD, Leah Kemper, MPH, Timothy McBride, PhD | February 2019 In 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced support for state efforts to condition Medicaid coverage on fulfilling a work requirement. For the first time in the program’s history, certain beneficiaries can be required to […]

Economics, policy, and racial disparities

Health disparities has been an important topic for public health researchers for years, with much or most of the focus on disparities across racial groups in the US, where we see wide disparities on almost every outcome measure. In the St. Louis area and region, health disparities remains a critical topic where if anything the […]