Emotional violence in childhood, adolescence associated with suicidal thoughts (Links to an external site)

Early exposure to emotional violence “significantly” increases the chances that youths will contemplate suicide, according to new research from three countries conducted by Washington University in St. Louis’ Brown School. “We find the odds of suicide ideation are consistently and significantly greater for adolescents who report overexposure to emotional violence,” said Lindsay Stark, associate professor […]

Beyond self-defense: Increasing firearm safety in the home

Written by Victoria Grace Assokom-Siakam, intern at the Center for Community Health Partnership and Research An individual with a gun in their home is four times more likely to be a victim of that said firearm.1 Most individuals keep firearms in their homes for either sport, hobby or self-defense. Given that owning a firearm is […]

Ending gun suicide: A personal and professional movement

Written by Sylvia Ogilvie, graduate student at Washington University in St. Louis Gun violence is inarguably one of the most divisive issues in the United States, whether we are arguing with family members around the holiday table, or watching political candidates point fingers at each other like children in the school yard. It almost seems […]

Guns and suicide

A recent report from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, “The Truth About Suicide and Guns,” describes the strong link between gun ownership and suicide: a gun in the home makes suicide three times more likely. The report finds that while gun ownership alone presents the greatest risk, when combined with the impulsive nature of […]