Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging is tackling a topic that most do not know exists, but in which many may quite frequently, and inadvertently, engage. The center is releasing many new tools and presentations designed to help inform and inspire us all to educate ourselves and confront the often-overlooked issue of Ageism.

The World Health Organization defines ageism as “stereotypes (how people think), prejudice (how people feel) and discrimination (how people act) directed towards others or oneself based on age.” Our center’s new white paper, released soon, centers on confronting ageism, and compares and contrasts topics including: types of ageism (in schools, workplaces and among social services such as housing), the prevalence of ageism in society, outcomes, and ways to prevent ageism.
A new infographic available on the Friedman Center website spells out how Ageism “affects us all”, how and where it happens and the effects of ageism on our society at large. The piece also lists some valuable national resources on ageism and ways to combat the issue.
A blog post about using age-inclusive language when writing and speaking is also available on our website. It lists important best practices from the American Medical Association, the Associated Press, and other agencies in the know when using age-inclusive language in writing. Find a printable PDF on the topic here.
On March 14, from 12 to 1 p.m., Center Director, Nancy Morrow-Howell, PhD, MSW, the Bettie Bofinger Brown Distinguished Professor of Social Policy at the Brown School, and Center Manager, Natalie Galucia, MSW, will discuss, Ageism: What it is, how it hurts and how to combat it. The talk is part of our center’s Issues in Aging series, designed to highlight current research and perspectives on aging-relevant issues. Register to attend.
The Friedman Center staff will also join WashU’s Day of Dialogue and Action, Tuesday, March 29 at 10:45 a.m. Their round-table discussion will center on fostering age-inclusivity. Participants will learn about increasing awareness of age as a social identity and increasing age diversity and inclusion on campus by improving their knowledge of ageism.
A set of printable issue briefs are also available on our center’s website. These resources summarize aging-related research findings on themes like living with purpose, working longer, driving as we age, and others.
By developing and offering these tools, presentations and collaborations concerning various themes on aging, the Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging at the Institute for Public Health helps further its mission to advance a global society where people of all ages have maximum opportunity for health, security and engagement.