Inaugural dean officially installed for new School of Public Health

Two days of lectures, presentations and celebrations marked the official installation of Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH, the inaugural Margaret C. Ryan Dean of the School of Public Health and the Eugene S. and Constance Kahn Distinguished Professor in Public Health. Both days honored Galea and those who have set the foundation for the first new […]

Center co-director to speak during Civic Action Week, Feb. 17-23

Bernard Becker Professor, Timothy McBride, PhD, co-director of the Center for Advancing Health Services, Policy and Economics Research will speak on “Translating Research to Policy”. Civic Action Week is a series of civic engagement opportunities throughout WashU during which student groups, faculty, staff, and community partners will host events and other opportunities to engage On […]

Save the Dates: 2025 Global Health Annual Conference & Poster Session

On April 30 and May 1, join the WashU Global Health Center at the 2025 Global Health Annual Conference, “Global Health at WashU: Focus on Impact”. Global health faculty, students and community partners will convene to explore the impact of WashU research on global health. A collaboration between the Global Health Center; WashU’s strategic plan, Here and Next; […]

Public Health Faculty Scholars honored

Compiled by Kim Furlow, communication programs manager, Institute for Public Health Interdisciplinary WashU Public Health Faculty Scholars engage daily in innovative public health research, practice, advocacy and education at the university, in and around the St. Louis region, and across the globe. The following are the most recent awards and honors amplifying that work. Global […]

Midwest D-CFAR hosts Partners 4 Health contest

Join Institute for Public Health partner, the Midwest Developmental Center for AIDS Research (Midwest D-CFAR) in the mission to end the HIV epidemic in the Midwest. Midwest D-CFAR invites passionate individuals and teams—from academic or non-academic backgrounds—to share their bold ideas for creating a future free of HIV through the strength of partnerships. The following forms of submissions are welcome: […]

Institute presents 14th annual conference, Oct. 27

According to a 2020 poll, “More than 7 in 10 Americans believe public health plays an important role in the health of their community.” As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, how do we recognize the value of public health for the future? How do we prepare our public health infrastructure for future emergencies? Can we strengthen […]

Reimagining public health: a path forward (Links to an external site)

There is optimism among public health professionals — in both red and blue states — according to research conducted by Ross C. Brownson, the Steven H. and Susan U. Lipstein Distinguished Professor at the Brown School and a WashU Public Health Faculty Scholar.

Community Advisory Board adds members

The Community Advisory Board shared by the Institute for Public Health and the Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences has added four new members to its diverse board. Read more about it!

‘Why public health at WashU?’ (Links to an external site)

The Margaret C. Ryan Dean for the planned School of Public Health, Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH, also named the Eugene S. and Constance D. Kahn Distinguished Professor in Public Health, recently visited WashU for a meet and greet with the university’s public health community.