Launched in 2015, our Gun Violence Initiative addresses the burgeoning public health issue of death and injury as a result of gun violence.

Washington University is one of the first educational institutions to launch a community-focused violence prevention initiative using a public health approach. We invite scholars, medical professionals, community leaders and residents to develop solutions to improve the safety and well-being of our region.

Our mission

We work with national and local experts and stakeholders in the St. Louis community to:

  • Better understand and raise awareness about death and injury as a result of gun violence
  • Identify gaps in available data and research and explore ways that WashU can help address those gaps
  • Position policy makers and the public with key information to help guide decisions to address root causes of gun violence
  • Take action to reduce gun violence
Key partnerships

Life Outside of Violence (LOV)

St. Louis Area Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program

LOV is a partnership with three research universities, two health systems and four hospitals, which connects people harmed by stabbing, gunshot or assault to the treatment, support and resources they need to find alternatives to end the cycle of violence.

St. Louis Area Violence Prevention Commission

The commission unifies and provides support and resources to partners in education, healthcare, law enforcement, local government, and community and social services to reduce violence. It was developed by the Institute for Public Health and the United Way of Greater St. Louis and is now managed by the St. Louis Mental Health Board.

Stop the Bleed

To reduce preventable deaths due to bleeding out, this program trains bystanders in Trauma First Aid techniques. Stop the Bleed is a national program implemented in St. Louis under the leadership of Dr. LJ Punch from “The T”, a health education and resource center focused on providing support to people recovering from trauma.

St. Louis Suicide Prevention Coalition

In partnership with Provident, Inc., the coalition provides education, treatment and advocacy for fostering a community that works to prevent suicide.

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