Long-term care: Costs, insurance and reform

Written by Jeff Brandt, MSW ’20, the J. Benjamin Miller Masters Research Fellow in Aging & the recipient of the 2020 Distinguished Student Award for Social Work Leaders in Healthcare American consumers tend to hold some misconceptions when it comes to long-term care. Think Medicare will cover the cost of a nursing home? Think again. […]

Preterm birth rates in immigrant populations on the rise under trump administration

Written by Monica Villarruel, MPH, 2019 practicum student at the Center for Community Health Partnership & Research at the Institute for Public Health; and Clark-Fox Institute Policy Scholar A 2018 study led by researchers at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health demonstrated a connection between sociopolitical stressors and rising rates of premature births among […]

Keeping the public healthy: Who will pay?

Written by Will Ross, MD, MPH, associate dean for diversity, professor of medicine in the School of Medicine and Institute for Public Health 2018 Annual Conference moderator In 2002, The Institute of Medicine issued a report entitled, “Who Will Keep the Public Healthy?” The report concluded that “… public health professionals must have a framework for […]

Prison population equity

Written by Samantha Stangl, MSW, programs manager at The Clark-Fox Family Foundation and  Institute for Public Health 2018 Annual Conference speaker Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky once famously said “The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” By that standard the United States has a lot of work to do. According […]

Repeal or replace? Is a bipartisan approach to repairing Obamacare feasible?

Written by Timothy D. McBride, PhD, MS, co-director for the Center for Health Economics and Policy  The effort to “repeal and replace” Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act, ACA) has been a major goal of the Republicans since the ACA was passed. Achieving this goal has been elusive – first President Obama blocked all such efforts, […]

Transforming healthcare by transforming payment

The Center for Health Economics and Policy co-hosted a major health policy event this October. Together with the Clark-Fox Policy Institute, we convened nearly 150 providers, researchers, policymakers, and patient advocates to discuss ideas for transforming healthcare in Missouri. One theme repeated throughout the day was that we as a society need to shift our […]

Facilitating health insurance enrollment and decision support

Written by Mary Politi, PhD, professor in the School of Medicine At the time of publishing, Mary Politi was an associate professor in the School of Medicine At an enrollment event in 2015, I met a woman from a rural county in Missouri who was an outspoken supporter of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). She […]

Summer Research Program alumni blog – Amanda Lee

Written by Amanda Lee, MPH, public health research coordinator, Division of Public Health Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine,  Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program alumna When I started the Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program in 2015, I had never worked in public health research before. As an undergraduate, I worked in […]

Beyond Social Security

Policy Forum “Social Security and Beyond: Building Financial Capability Across a Lifetime” As part of a series of events leading up to the 2016 Presidential Debate on campus October 9, Institute scholars Timothy D. McBride and Nancy Morrow-Howell participated in the policy forum “Social Security and Beyond: Building Financial Capability Across a Lifetime.” The forum, held at the Brown […]

Center for Health Economics & Policy to offer technical assistance through the Just-In-Time Funding Program of the ICTS

The Center for Health Economics and Policy (CHEP) has become a Core eligible for funding through the Just-In-Time (JIT) Core Usage Funding Program, offered by the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS). This program is designed to provide quick access to funding to utilize technical assistance available through ICTS-affiliated Cores, including CHEP, to support research advancing […]

Center for Health Economics & Policy funds two pilot projects

The Center for Health Economics and Policy (CHEP) pilot program announces funding for two projects in the inaugural round of funding from CHEP. The funding for these year-long projects begins on September 1, 2016. Correlates of Enactment of State Legislation Related to HPV Vaccines PI: Amy Eyler Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted […]

Ferguson pilot grant and Institute match recipient

Washington University’s Ferguson Academic Seed Fund and the Institute for Public Health awarded funding to Darrell Hudson, PhD, MPH, Institute scholar and assistant professor at the Brown School, for his project titled, ‘An Examination of Race and Costs of Upward Social Mobility in St. Louis.’ Despite the improved socioeconomic status of black Americans, why are members of […]

Economics, policy, and racial disparities

Health disparities has been an important topic for public health researchers for years, with much or most of the focus on disparities across racial groups in the US, where we see wide disparities on almost every outcome measure. In the St. Louis area and region, health disparities remains a critical topic where if anything the […]

Center for Health Economics & Policy launches

Washington University in St. Louis has announced the launch of the Center for Health Economics and Policy (CHEP), to be housed in the Institute for Public Health. The goal of the new center is to improve population health in America by encouraging health policy and economics research and dissemination. The center will be co-directed by […]

Microfinancing Partners in Africa

Microfinancing Partners in Africa is a Saint Louis-based organization whose mission is to provide grants and direct funding to strengthen and expand microfinancing programs in Africa, and to empower those living in extreme poverty by providing access to financial services and education. The organization was founded by Sister Toni Temporiti in 2006 and has grown […]

Creating economic opportunity in St. Louis

Written by Jason Q. Purnell, PhD, associate professor in the Brown School Last year, the For the Sake of All project team released a series of policy briefs and a report that analyzed the data around health disparities in the St. Louis region and outlined a set of recommendations to help close the gap. This […]


Written by Keith G. Taylor, FRED data officer at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED® is a web-based aggregator of economic and social science time series data operated by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which provides a set of tools to find, download, analyze, visualize, and otherwise understand these data. Let’s deconstruct that […]

New book tackles financial vulnerability of older adults

Financial Capability and Asset Holding in Later Life book cover

Many of the 40 million older adults in the United States are struggling financially. They lack the assets to see them through their later years, when they require more health care and other services than they expected. A new book, Financial Capability and Asset Holding in Later Life: A Life Course Perspective co-edited by Harvey A. Friedman […]