The ocean is struggling to stay afloat

Learn more about the ocean’s crucial need to be protected in this blog post by a student in the Summer Research Program – Public & Global Health Track.

Environment Missouri

The Center for Community Health Partnership and Research is supporting Environment Missouri’s efforts to address the public health effects of global warming. This support includes getting the word out to community-based organizations and community members concerned about the health risks associated with global warming and global warming related pollution. The planet is the hottest it has been in 115,000 years. […]

A legacy of environmental health concerns in St. Louis

Written by Faisal Khan, MBBS, MPH, director of the St. Louis County Department of Public Health The St. Louis region played a significant role in the development of America’s atomic weapons program in the 1940s, and the impacts of this legacy continue to be felt today. Brief history From 1942 to 1957, the Mallinckrodt Chemical Plant extracted […]

Climate change and human health

Howard Frumkin of the University of Washington offered this talk in November 2013 looking at the intersection of climate change and human health. He explores the potential effects of climate change through a number of facets including heat, severe weather, climate-related disease, pollution, poverty, water supply, crops and agriculture, allergies, hunger, mental health, and civil conflict. […]