Written by Caline Mattar MD, assistant professor, Department of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis

The Global Health Center at the Institute for Public Health is supporting a new movement at Washington University in St. Louis for women and men interested in gender and global health issues.
Women in Global Health (WGH) is an international network aiming to achieve gender equality in Global Health leadership through advocating for gender transformative leadership. With support from Provost Holden Thorp and William G. Powderly, MD the Larry J. Shapiro Director of the Institute for Public Health and director of its Global Health Center at Washington University in St. Louis, the Midwest Chapter of WGH was launched on December 6, 2018.
About three years ago, the Women in Global Health movement started as a virtual platform and has now grown to include chapters in different parts of the world, as well as Washington D.C and soon, Seattle.
Executive Director of WGH, Dr. Roopa Dhatt is joined by Dr. Keith Martin, executive director of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health and Dr. Debra Olson, Professor Emeritus at the University of Chang-Mai, Thailand and University of Minnesota, as well as many colleagues from all over the Midwest.
To date, the Midwest Chapter of Women in Global Health is moving forward and growing in membership. Women and men interested in global health are encouraged to become a member of WGH by completing the requested membership form.