Reimagining public health: a path forward (Links to an external site)

There is optimism among public health professionals — in both red and blue states — according to research conducted by Ross C. Brownson, the Steven H. and Susan U. Lipstein Distinguished Professor at the Brown School and a WashU Public Health Faculty Scholar.

López presents at International Criminal Court Office of the Proscecutor

Written by Adriana Aramburu, manager, Center for Human Rights, Gender and Migration Julia López, PhD, WashU assistant professor of medicine, public health faculty scholar and core faculty of the Center for Human Rights, Gender and Migration, recently traveled to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to present on impacts and strategies related to […]

Real-world reflections (Links to an external site)

Institute for Public Health Faculty Scholar Ziyad Al-Aly, MD, is featured in this month’s WashU’s Outlook Magazine about his work on “society’s biggest health issues through vast data analysis”

Center presents discussion on conflict-related atrocities & justice, March 27

Written by Kim Furlow, communications manager for the Institute for Public Health According to a Washington Post report, witnesses and victims’ relatives say that days before a peace deal was made to end the war in Ethiopia’s Tigray region last fall, soldiers from neighboring Eritrea massacred more than 300 villagers over the course of a […]