Often, policy choices are not either/or decisions, but rather involve balancing multiple factors. Our visualizations are meant to help users understand these tradeoffs and gain a deeper understanding of the data.
Missouri Medicaid Enrollment Dashboard
This dashboard provides an interactive display of public data from the MO HealthNet monthly management reports, monthly managed care reports, and monthly caseload counter.
Missouri Active Physician Counts per 10,000 Population and Total Counts: 2019-2020
Data Sources: 2019-2020 Area Health Resource File, American Medical Association Physician Masterfiles, American Dental Association Masterfile, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services National Provider Identifier Files
Estimated New Enrollees as Percent of County Population
Data sources: 2019 American Community Survey for total estimated enrollees and 2018 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) for county enrollee estimates
Estimated New Enrollees based on Overall County Population
Data sources: 2019 American Community Survey for total estimated enrollees and 2018 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) for county enrollee estimates
Regional Distribution of New Adult Enrollees
Data sources: 2017 American Community Survey for total estimated enrollees, 2018 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) for regional enrollee estimates and Missouri Census Data Center: Regional definitions