Center builds bridges in African implementation science

Several dissemination and implementation specialists from WashU recently convened in S. Africa for a training session that will set the stage for a new South African hub of WashU’s HIV, Infectious Diseases and Global Health Implementation Research Institute (HIGH-IRI).

Center offers casual monthly collaboration for anyone interested in implementation science

Written by Kim Furlow and Ashley Sturm, Center for Dissemination and Implementation The Center for Dissemination and Implementation invites those who have a new interest in or who are entrenched in implementation science to visit the monthly WUNDIR Café. WUNDIR stands for Washington University Network of Dissemination and Implementation Researchers and is a team that […]

Call for Pilot and Small Grant Applications!

The Center for Dissemination and Implementation at the Institute for Public Health calls for grant applications for 2023 Pilot Projects Program and Small Grants Program. Our center’s seed funding programs are designed to support a broad range of dissemination and implementation studies, and aim to support the development of projects to the point at which […]

Can digital health tools help lower cancer risk in rural communities?

Faculty Scholar & primary investigator, Maura Kemper and team are looking at digital tools as a means to prevent cancer in rural Missouri. The study was funded in part, by a pilot grant from the institute’s Center for Dissemination & Implementation.

Institute adds new staff

The Institute for Public Health continues its mission as a connector, convener and catalyst for public health solutions by adding new staff.

Call for grant applications!

The Center for Dissemination and Implementation at the Institute for Public Health calls for grant applications for its 2022 Pilot Projects Program and Small Grants Program. Our center’s seed funding programs are designed to support a broad range of dissemination and implementation studies, and aim to support the development of projects to the point at […]

Center assists in forming new initiative focused on infectious diseases

The Institute for Public Health’s Center for Dissemination and Implementation, the Brown School and the School of Medicine’s Infectious Disease Division at Washington University in St. Louis have collaborated to launch the Infectious Disease Dissemination and Implementation Science (IDDI) Initiative. “The time is right for a collaborative effort in implementation science and a broad swath of […]

Two studies receive “RAD” funding

The Center for Dissemination & Implementation at the Institute for Public Health has awarded Rapid Cycle D&I Add-on (RAD) awards to two research studies in order to rapidly respond to untapped opportunities in D&I. Our center’s Rapid Cycle D&I Add-on (RAD) grants fund up to $20,000 in direct costs and enable researchers doing clinical or effectiveness research […]

Study assesses the impact of policy changes on HIV treatment for all

Prior to recent shifts in global policy, in Zambia and many other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, people living with HIV were only treated once their disease had progressed to a point where it caused some degree of immunosuppression or they had complications of HIV like tuberculosis. In the past five to seven years, policies to […]

Commentary in Science suggests “three steps to a better pandemic response” (Links to an external site)

How can we help the public understand and more positively react to social media messages and medical experts about national crises’ such as COVID-19? An editorial commentary recently published in the journal Science makes recommendations about how adding a “new lane” of implementation science can improve the way we manage crisis’ like COVID-19 moving forward. […]

New HIGH IRI training program focuses on intersection between D&I Science and Infectious Diseases

Researchers at the post-doctoral or junior faculty level who are interested in Infectious Disease, HIV and Global Health now have a new, world-class training and mentorship opportunity. Hosted by the Center for Dissemination and Implementation at the Institute for Public Health at Washington University in St. Louis, the HIV, Infectious Diseases and Global Health Implementation […]

Study on vaccine preferences shows breaking down population by preference is important to meeting needs of the unvaccinated public

We know that the U.S. has been successful in vaccinating those who want the shot however, as we continue to hear about vaccine hesitancy or outright opposition, WashU dissemination and implementation researchers have conducted a study to get to the root of public preference. The study, entitled, “Preferences for COVID-19 vaccine distribution strategies in the […]

Center helps launch new university-wide D&I website

The Center for Dissemination & Implementation at the Institute for Public Health has helped launch a new website for the Washington University D&I community. The brand new, Dissemination and Implementation Research website features news and information about D&I-related faculty profiles, projects, and events; implementation research across WashU; video interviews with nationwide and local D&I experts […]