Life Outside of Violence Program and mentor featured in hospital magazine

The Life Outside of Violence Program (LOV), an intervention program that helps those harmed by stabbing, gunshot or assault receive the treatment, support and resources they need to find alternatives to end the cycle of violence, and one of its case managers, Melik Coffey, are the subjects of an article in SSM Health Cardinal Glennon […]

Support National Injury Prevention Day, Nov. 18

Injuries are the leading cause of death and disability to U.S. children ages 1 to 18 years old. Every day, 20 children die from injuries resulting in more deaths than all other diseases combined. St. Louis Children’s Hospital news release The Institute for Public Health is supporting the country’s top injury and violence prevention organizations, […]

Professional helpers can experience vicarious trauma

The expectation that we can be immersed in suffering and loss daily and not be touched by it is as unrealistic as expecting to be able to walk through water without getting wet. Naomi Rachel Remen, MD The case management team from the Institute’s Life Outside of Violence (LOV) program recently presented, “This is About […]

St. Louis Area Violence Prevention Commission Releases Statement on Policing and Violence Prevention

Written by Kim Furlow, Institute for Public Health The St. Louis Area Violence Prevention Commission (VPC) has released a list of recommendations for policing and violence prevention. The recommendations are the culmination of a year of community listening sessions, interviews with law enforcement stakeholders, and an online police legitimacy survey. This process has been part […]

Gun Violence Initiative commemorates the past five years, releases video & report on National Gun Violence Awareness Day

Written by Kim Furlow, Institute for Public Health To commemorate National Gun Violence Awareness Day on June 5th, the Gun Violence Initiative is releasing a five-year report and video chronicling the evolution of the Gun Violence Initiative. Spearheaded by Chancellor Emeritus Mark S. Wrighton, his wife Risa Zwerling Wrighton and the Institute for Public Health, […]

Gun Violence Initiative celebrates five year anniversary

The Gun Violence Initiative at the Institute for Public Health was launched in spring 2015 to tackle one of our greatest public health challenges: death and injury as a result of gun violence. During the past five years, the Initiative has worked with national, academic and community stakeholders to develop key partnerships and interventions such […]

Faculty Scholar SPOTLIGHT! Kristen Mueller, MD

Dr. Mueller is assistant professor of Emergency Medicine at the School of Medicine and a faculty scholar at the Institute for Public Health. Kristen Mueller says the Gun Violence Initiative (GVI) and its programs have changed her life. She is now one of only a handful of emergency medicine physicians who not only treats patients […]

Sometimes, we need more conveners: A community partner profile

Written by Kim Furlow, communications manager for the Institute for Public Health Think of her as the ultimate “convener” — bringing large numbers of people together to problem-solve issues that try to tear communities apart. Issues like violence. A former community organizer specializing in “collective impact”, Serena Muhammad, director of strategic initiatives for MHB (formerly […]

How funding and collaboration can address violence: Lessons from the past

According to a 2017 U.S. Department of Justice report, the City of St. Louis experienced a notable decrease in homicides in the year 2003 but the rate has subsequently rebounded. As we continue to see violence in our city and search for what works to prevent it, can we learn from the past? A community-academic […]

How funding & collaboration can address violence: Lessons from the past

According to a 2017 U.S. Department of Justice report, the City of St. Louis experienced a notable decrease in homicides in the year 2003 but the rate has subsequently rebounded. As we continue to see violence in our city and search for what works to prevent it, can we learn from the past? A community-academic […]

Why Neighborhoods Matter: Examining Fatal Interactions Between Police and Men of Color

This article originally appeared in the Source and is reprinted here with permission.  The police shooting earlier this month of Stephon Clark in his grandmother’s Sacramento backyard has renewed protests over officer-involved deaths of unarmed black men, but research led by Washington University in St. Louis suggests young Hispanic men may face an even greater risk of […]

Joining forces to stop cycle of violence in St. Louis (Links to an external site)

The Institute for Public Health at Washington University in St. Louis will launch the regional St. Louis Area Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program (STL-HVIP), which will aim to promote positive alternatives to violence, thanks to a $1.6 million grant from Missouri Foundation for Health.

Youth and gun violence: NOW is the time for action

Saint Louis Story Stitchers youth hosted a second video-taped discussion on November 10th at Kranzberg Arts Center’s Black Box Theater to reopen topics explored in last year’s discussion. Stitchers Teen Council Co-Chairs Aniya and Toryon, both seniors in high school, led guest high school youth from University City High School, McCluer High School, Central Visual […]

Assistance requested from local service providers

The St. Louis Area Violence Prevention Collaborative has been working to advance the goal of identifying, mapping and coordinating resources in our region as they relate to critical services and programs that support the reduction of gun violence. These include, but are not limited to, behavioral and mental health, social, afterschool recreational, education, employment, housing, […]

Public health challenge: Reducing gun violence in St. Louis

Washington University’s Institute for Public Health and Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship partnered to host a three-day immersive public health challenge. Held September 16-19, 2016, multidisciplinary teams of students developed social and entrepreneurial concepts to reduce gun violence in St. Louis. More than a dozen students participated in the event which included an ideation session […]

Medical students learn public health impact of gun violence in new course

This fall, the Washington University School of Medicine is offering a class titled ‘Gun Violence as a Public Health Issue’ for the first time. Various medical school faculty, faculty from other schools at Washington University and Saint Louis University, and experts from local community organizations working on issues related to gun violence are teaching the […]

Supporting violence prevention research

The Institute for Public Health will award $15,000 to Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, PhD, in Washington University’s Department of Psychiatry, to support her project “Examination of the role of social media on substance use and violence behaviors.” Dr. Cavazos-Rehg will work with colleagues Laura Jean Bierut, MD of the School of Medicine and Edward Spitznagel, PhD, in […]

Joining forces with United Way on gun violence prevention

Washington University in St. Louis and the United Way of Greater St. Louis have formed a joint partnership that aims to provide support and resources to local initiatives that are uniting in their efforts to combat gun violence in the region. The St. Louis Area Violence Prevention Collaborative will work to reduce violent crime in […]

Not Another One

Last month the Saint Louis Story Stitchers convened a group in the Guns in the Hands of Artists exhibit at the Des Lee Gallery, to videotape a frank conversation about gun violence with St. Louis teens and community leaders. The resulting video, embedded below, is titled “Not another one!” Participants include Jason Purnell, assistant professor […]

Gun violence prevention symposium summary and videos

The Brown School organized a symposium on November 12, 2015 called Preventing Gun Violence: Evidence-based Optimism in a Realistic World as part of the university’s Gun Violence: A Public Health Crisis initiative. University of Chicago professor and co-director of the university’s crime lab, Harold Pollack, PhD, provided the keynote address, which was followed by a facilitated discussion […]

St. Louis International Film Festival includes a number of films exploring gun violence

The 24th Annual Whitaker St. Louis International Film Festival runs November 5 to 15th. This year a number of the films being screened contain themes that relate to gun violence, offering diverse perspectives on this complicated issue. The relevant showings include: Nov. 6: 3 1/2 Minutes, 10 BulletsNov. 7: Daisy and MaxNov. 8: The Armor of […]

Dual library exhibits for Gun Violence Initiative

The Gun Violence Initiative will showcase gun violence prevention research and resources through special, simultaneous exhibits at the John M. Olin Library on the Danforth Campus, and the Bernard Becker Medical Library on the Medical Campus, from September 21 to October 2, 2015. These exhibits will include a display with key texts and articles with […]

Guns in the Hands of Artists

The Des Lee Gallery at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts presents Guns In The Hands of Artists, a pivotal exhibition that has started a national dialogue within the arts. Conceived of in the mid-1990s, the exhibition grew out of artist Brian Borrello’s response to the growing gun violence crisis in New […]