Written by Lyndsey Armes, BS in biology candidate at University of Kentucky and participant in the 2019 Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program – Public & Global Health Track Many researchers will tell you that they decided to go into a specific field because of their love for the subject matter, their curiosity, or their desire to […]
Tag: Research
Why does diversity matter in STEM research?
Written by Tobi Okopie, BS candidate, Georgetown University and participant in the 2019 Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program – Public & Global Health Track On June 4th, Assistant Provost of Diversity Initiatives, Rochelle Smith, challenged us to define the terms we so often use to combat the injustices inherent in the American educational […]
Short-term research authorship & ethics
Written by Amy Jasani, BA, Neuroscience; MPH, Health Behavior, University of Alabama at Birmingham and participant in the 2019 Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program – Public & Global Health Track When I entered the grand auditorium and took my seat, I expected to hear a lecture on modern bioethics cases or the ugly […]
How to explain research to your grandma
Written by Adjoa Cofie, undergraduate student, Stockton University and participant in the Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program Explaining research to my grandma is something particularly challenging for me. Except, instead of my grandma, it’s my parents and my friends. It is a bit easier to explain to my friends, because even though they […]
Challenges for field research in remote areas of Indonesia
Written by Dr. Peter Fischer, professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the School of Medicine Indonesia is the world’s 4th populous country with 13,000 islands and poor access to physicians is common. Many health research projects in Indonesia are not located in hospitals or clinics of big cities, but instead are […]
Removing barriers to make research more meaningful and inclusive
Written by Robert Doyle, data coordinator for the REACH Initiative at the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research/Center for Community Health Partnership & Research at the Institute for Public Health Diversity of participation in National Institute of Health (NIH) research became a mandate with the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993, yet nearly 25 years later, […]
Health research matters to me
Written by Kym Radford, outreach coordinator for the REACH Initiative at the Institute for Clinical & Translational Sciences/Center for Community Health Partnership & Research at the Institute for Public Health Research matters to me. In the late 2000s, a study conducted at Washington University was instrumental in the early detection and confirmation of Alzheimer’s disease—a […]
Participating in a clinical trial
Written by Shea Roesel, clinical research coordinator I at Volunteer for Health at the School of Medicine As a clinical research coordinator with the Volunteer for Health (VFH) office at Washington University School of Medicine over the past 15 years, I have noticed that each participant’s situation is distinctive and the motivation to participate in […]
Summer Research Program alumni blog – Bolutife Fakoya
Written by Bolutife Fakoya, Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program alumna During my third year of college, I struggled with the prospect of what I wanted to do after I graduated. I knew that I was interested in basic molecular biology research but I also recognized that I wanted to structure my career around existing […]
Summer Research Program alumni blog – Amanda Lee
Written by Amanda Lee, MPH, public health research coordinator, Division of Public Health Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine, Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program alumna When I started the Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program in 2015, I had never worked in public health research before. As an undergraduate, I worked in […]
Summer Research Program alumni blog – Jeffrey Lee
Written by Jeffrey Lee, Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program alumnus I was part of the 2015 Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program cohort and placed into the lab of Dr. Herbert “Skip” Virgin, the Edward Mallinckrodt Professor and Chair at the Washington University School of Medicine, working alongside Dr. Robert Orchard to […]
Summer Research Program alumni blog – Brianna Cusanno
Written by Brianna Cusanno, Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program alumna Reflecting on the course my life has taken since I participated in the Institute of Public Health’s Summer Research Program, I realize that I now find myself in a position I never would have anticipated two years ago. I knew in June of […]
More than just the endgame: The role of implementation science for early-stage innovations in behavioral health
Written by Alex Ramsey, instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at the School of Medicine Implementation science has generally been viewed as the final step in the research translation process and only in the context of long-standing and well-validated interventions. There is reason to believe, however, that we should be considering implementation issues earlier in the […]
Center for Health Economics & Policy to offer technical assistance through the Just-In-Time Funding Program of the ICTS
The Center for Health Economics and Policy (CHEP) has become a Core eligible for funding through the Just-In-Time (JIT) Core Usage Funding Program, offered by the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS). This program is designed to provide quick access to funding to utilize technical assistance available through ICTS-affiliated Cores, including CHEP, to support research advancing […]
Center for Health Economics & Policy funds two pilot projects
The Center for Health Economics and Policy (CHEP) pilot program announces funding for two projects in the inaugural round of funding from CHEP. The funding for these year-long projects begins on September 1, 2016. Correlates of Enactment of State Legislation Related to HPV Vaccines PI: Amy Eyler Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted […]
Global Research Site Award to project on malnutrition in Haiti
Lora Iannotti, PhD, Associate Professor at the Brown School received funding to establish a Global Research Site in Haiti to work on malnutrition. “The goal of this award from the Global Health Center is to deepen already existing links in a resource-poor settings, in order to increase the involvement of Washington University faculty and students […]
2016 Student Research Program symposium recap
On July 28 and 29, students from the Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program presented their research projects and culminating symposium. Each student presented the results of their eight-week research project to their peers, mentors, and Institute staff. The program had students from 15 universities from within the continental US, Guam and Ireland. The students represented a variety […]
Ferguson pilot grant and Institute match recipient
Washington University’s Ferguson Academic Seed Fund and the Institute for Public Health awarded funding to Darrell Hudson, PhD, MPH, Institute scholar and assistant professor at the Brown School, for his project titled, ‘An Examination of Race and Costs of Upward Social Mobility in St. Louis.’ Despite the improved socioeconomic status of black Americans, why are members of […]
Institute supports Ferguson Academic Seed Fund projects
The Institute for Public Health is pleased to offer additional support to projects, that have the potential to impact public health, funded by the Ferguson Academic Seed Fund (FASF). We provide matching funds to support the projects described below. The FASF was established by the Washington University Chancellor and Provost’s offices to provide support for addressing […]
Center for Dissemination & Implementation Partners Fund Seven Projects
The Center for Dissemination & Implementation pilot and small grants program at the Institute for Public Health announces funding for seven projects. Two are co-funded by our Center for Global Health, two fully funded by the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences at the Washington University School of Medicine, and three are fully funded by our Center for […]
What we don’t know about dissemination and implementation science
In one decade, implementation science has experienced an “explosion” of progress in both quality and quantity; Enola Proctor explores 5 things we still don’t know.
Implementation science and health disparities: The quality gap is still here
Racial and ethnic minorities in the United States continue to face serious mental health care disparities, receiving lower quality care and completing treatment less often than their non-Hispanic white counterparts. (1,2) Mental health care disparities are complex, in large part because factors that contribute to disparities occur at a variety of levels and include individuals, families, […]
Recent Public Health-Cubed awards
The Institute for Public Health has awarded Public Health-Cubed (PH3) grants of $15,000 to three projects this spring. PH3 teams is a rapid seed funding mechanism to support cross-disciplinary projects from the Institute’s Scholars. Funding for spring 2016 projects were awarded to: Developing a Suite of Technology-Based Tools for Chronic Disease Case Management Team: David Patterson, […]
Inherent challenges to conducting D&I research in aging
It is hard to imagine a field of study that would not benefit from incorporating dissemination and implementation (D&I) into its strategic plan and foci. Many fields such as medicine and public health have already done so and have furthered not only their own fields but have also improved the science of D&I. However, despite […]
Training those “lost in translation”
Written by Ross C. Brownson, PhD, inaugural Steven H. and Susan U. Lipstein Distinguished Professor of Public Health at the Brown School; and Maggie Padek Kalman, MPH, MSW, project coordinator in the Prevention Research Center at the Brown School “Knowledge is like fine wine. The researcher brews it, the scientific paper bottles it, the peer review […]
Utilizing social media for #publichealth
Jenine Harris is a leading expert on utilizing and analyzing social media for public health research. She has led a number of recent projects in this area, including one about a new tool to address the high prevalence and cost of foodborne illness. Dr. Harris investigated how Twitter might be an effective tool for tracking […]
Social network analysis: Tools for effective evaluation and research
Written by Bobbi J. Carothers, PhD, statistical data analyst III at the Brown School; Amar Dhand, MD, DPhil, adjunct assistant in the Department of Neurology at the School of Medicine; and Douglas Luke, PhD, Irving Louis Horowitz Professor in Social Policy at the Brown School Networks are ubiquitous. They are complex systems that we can […]
Socialize your research: Tips for sharing ideas and evidence on social media
Each day, millions of users log on to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the continuously growing list of social media platforms. In 2015, 65% of adults in the United States had a social media presence.(1) As the number of adults using social media has grown, so has the number of researchers using various platforms. A study […]
Supporting violence prevention research
The Institute for Public Health will award $15,000 to Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, PhD, in Washington University’s Department of Psychiatry, to support her project “Examination of the role of social media on substance use and violence behaviors.” Dr. Cavazos-Rehg will work with colleagues Laura Jean Bierut, MD of the School of Medicine and Edward Spitznagel, PhD, in […]
Public Health-Cubed fall 2015 awardees
The Institute for Public Health has awarded Public Health-Cubed (PH3) grants of $15,000 to eight projects this fall. PH3 is a rapid seed funding mechanism to support cross-disciplinary projects from the Institute’s Faculty Scholars. Funding for fall 2015 projects were awarded to: Fatal Interactions with Police Study (FIPS) Team: Cassandra Arroyo-Johnson, PhD, MS; Melody S. Goodman, […]
Data center presents on collaborations at APHA
Ben Cooper, MPH, manager of the Institute’s Public Health Data and Training Center, recently attended the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA) and offered two presentations on recent collaborative projects. The first, “Novel approaches to obesity surveillance using population level data,” involved a partnership with the St. Louis City Department of Health […]
Center for Dissemination & Implementation funds five pilot projects
The Center for Dissemination & Implementation (D&I) at the Institute for Public Health recently awarded funding for five pilot projects to help advance D&I research. Improving foodborne illness surveillance and reporting through new technology PI: Jenine K. HarrisFood poisoning is widespread, costly, and preventable. Food poisoning reports by consumers and healthcare providers identify more serious violations […]
PHASE and SPRINGH symposium recap
On July 30 & 31, students from the Institute for Public Health’s Public Health Advanced Summer Education program and Summer Program for Research in Global Health presented their research programs and culminating symposium. Each student was given the opportunity to present the results of their work in the program to their peers, mentors, and the […]
New partnership process for Integrated Health Network collaboration
A new process has been developed for academic researchers to foster bi-directional community partnerships with the St. Louis Integrated Health Network (IHN) for network-wide collaborations. As an organization, the IHN collaborates with hospitals, community health centers, and other safety-net institutions to increase access to high quality, affordable healthcare for all residents of the St. Louis […]
Unearthing the potential of soil bacteria
Dr. Dantas and his team study the ecology, evolution and transmission dynamics of microbes and their antibiotic resistance genes across multiple habitats, towards building better predictive models of resistance selection and dissemination. Specifically he has recently focused on soil bacteria and solving the problems of antibiotic resistance. Can you describe what you mean by “soil bacteria,” and some of […]
Bench to implementation in the real world
Our Global Health Center contacted speakers from it’s 2015 Global Health and Infectious Disease Conference to gain their perspectives on the event’s theme of taking research from bench to implementation. We spoke with: Daniel Colley, PhD, Professor, University of Georgia and Director, Center for Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases Helen Fletcher, PhD, Senior Lecturer at […]
Studying relationships and health at the Center for Public Health Systems Science
The mission of the Center for Public Health Systems Science (CPHSS) in the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis is “to create sustainable solutions to public health problems, leading to healthier individuals and communities.” The center’s team conducts research and evaluation to create a better understanding of how evidence-based policies and organizational systems affect […]