Center creates user-friendly Missouri Medicaid Enrollment Tracking tool

The Center for Health Economics and Policy at the Institute for Public Health has launched the Missouri Medicaid Enrollment Tracking Dashboard, as a resource for the community to track the impact of Medicaid expansion on Missouri Medicaid enrollment.  Timothy McBride, PhD, co-director of the Center for Health Economics and Policy says, “We are excited to […]

Center reports recommendations for maternal health policy changes in Missouri

Maternal and infant health is a critical problem for Missouri and the rest of the United States. While many other health metrics have improved in the U.S. in recent decades, outcomes for mothers and infants have worsened. Maternal mortality rates in Missouri and nationally have been rising in recent years; Missouri’s rate exceeds the national […]

At the intersection of health policy and equity with Karen Joynt Maddox, MD, MPH (Links to an external site)

Written by Leslie Roettger, ICTS/DOM Media/Marketing Administrator  The Department of Medicine recently caught up for a chat with Karen Joynt Maddox, associate professor in the Cardiovascular Division and co-director of the Center for Health Economics and Policy at the Institute for Public Health. Joynt Maddox spoke about the role of social determinants of health in […]

Center issues report on benefits of expanding Missouri’s Primary Care Health Homes Program for the chronically ill

The Center for Health Economics & Policy has released a report suggesting that Medicaid recipients can receive better quality, comprehensive home care by expanding the state’s “Primary Care Health Homes” (PCHH) program. The program currently enables patients with at least two chronic health conditions (heart problems, diabetes, etc.) to receive extra help managing their health […]

Center releases analysis of what’s ahead for Medicaid expansion in Missouri

By Kim Furlow, communications manager & Timothy McBride, Co-director of the Center for Health Economics & Policy at the Institute for Public Health Since Medicaid expansion was passed by voters in Missouri in August 2020, the Center for Health Economics & Policy at Washington University has been producing analyses to help state and local service […]

Social Determinants of Health Working Group studies minority populations and their needs during COVID-19 and beyond

Since the beginning of the pandemic, COVID-19 hospitalization and death rates have been higher for minorities nationwide. This is likely multifactorial, according to Institute Faculty Scholar and Co-director of the Center for Health Economics and Policy, Karen Joynt Maddox, MD, MPH. “The evidence is overwhelming that minority populations including African Americans, Native Americans, and Latinx […]

New report shows disproportionate COVID-19 impact

As stated in its introduction, a new research brief citing research from the Center for Health Economics & Policy “aims to quantify COVID-19-related health disparities in the St. Louis region using ZIP code-level data on confirmed cases and demographic composition.” Mirroring racialized COVID-19 trends in other metropolitan areas, the report focuses on observed, yet unexplained, […]

Center for Health Economics & Policy offers new tool to help researchers

Written by Kim Furlow, communications manager for the Institute for Public Health Our Center for Health Economics and Policy is helping Washington University researchers get policy-focused research circulated to a broader audience through policy briefs. Our center’s newly-created Policy Brief Toolkit is designed to help researchers translate research findings into policy briefs, which can be […]

Institute for Public Health names Karen Joynt Maddox co-director of the Center for Health Economics and Policy

Written by Kim Furlow, communications manager for the Institute for Public Health  The Institute for Public Health at Washington University in St. Louis has named Dr. Karen Joynt Maddox, MD, MPH, the co-director of the Center for Health Economics and Policy (CHEP), joining current CHEP co-director Timothy McBride, PhD, Bernard Becker Professor, Brown School. The […]

Safety-net hospitals fare better under new Medicare reimbursement rules: Readmission penalties reduced for hospitals with poorest patients (Links to an external site)

New Medicare reimbursement rules provide some relief to safety-net hospitals, shifting the burden of financial penalties toward hospitals serving wealthier patient populations, according to a new study led by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The new rules also reduce the burden of such penalties on hospitals in states that have more generous […]

Therapy Services Reinstated in Missouri Medicaid After Key Policy Recommendations

The State of Missouri recently announced that it is amending its Medicaid Plan to allow for alternative therapies treatments for chronic pain, including services provided by acupuncturists, chiropractors, and physical therapists, effective April 1. This important policy change is similar to a suite of policy recommendations considered in discussions held over the last year, in […]

Medicaid Work Requirements: What Would the Impact be in Missouri on Enrollment, Costs and Health?

Written by Linda Li, MPH, Abigail Barker, PhD, Leah Kemper, MPH, Timothy McBride, PhD | February 2019 In 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced support for state efforts to condition Medicaid coverage on fulfilling a work requirement. For the first time in the program’s history, certain beneficiaries can be required to […]

Pilot Grants Awarded

The Institute for Public Health Center for Health Economics and Policy pilot program announces funding for three projects in its latest round of funding. Assessing the Impact of Costs on HIV PrEP Drug Use Among Young Black Men Zachary Feinstein, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science The number of new HIV infections in […]

Opioid Epidemic Research

Opioid Epidemic Research Funding Program, 2018 Awardees The Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences and the Institute for Public Health have awarded four grants for the Opioid Epidemic Research Funding Program this year. The Opioid Epidemic Research Funding Program is a new pilot funding program focused on strategies to address the opioid epidemic.  Accepted projects included […]

Transforming Healthcare in Missouri Recap 2017

Co-hosted by the Center for Health Economics and Policy and the Clark-Fox Policy Institute, Transforming Healthcare in Missouri brought together healthcare providers, payers, consumers, researchers, economists, advocates and policymakers to generate and discuss ideas for healthcare reform in Missouri. Hosts Timothy McBride, PhD, Professor, Brown School and Co-Director, Center for Health Economics and Policy Gary Parker, Director, Clark-Fox Policy Institute and […]

Association of practice-level social and medical risk with performance in the Medicare Physician Value-Based Payment Modifier Program

Institute Faculty Scholar, Karen E. Joynt Maddox, MD, MPH, led a project published in JAMA aimed at determining whether there is an association between the social and medical risk of patients treated at physician practices and their performance in Medicare’s Physician Value-Based Payment Modifier (VM) Program. The Physician VM program is the first national mandatory […]

Access to insurance important for preventing spread of HIV


Written by April Houston, MSW, MPH, communications assistant for the Institute for Public Health Health care reform is in the news again (some would say it never left), as Republicans in the Senate have introduced a new bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), signed into law in 2010. Under the House’s […]

Beyond Social Security

Policy Forum “Social Security and Beyond: Building Financial Capability Across a Lifetime” As part of a series of events leading up to the 2016 Presidential Debate on campus October 9, Institute scholars Timothy D. McBride and Nancy Morrow-Howell participated in the policy forum “Social Security and Beyond: Building Financial Capability Across a Lifetime.” The forum, held at the Brown […]

Center for Health Economics & Policy to offer technical assistance through the Just-In-Time Funding Program of the ICTS

The Center for Health Economics and Policy (CHEP) has become a Core eligible for funding through the Just-In-Time (JIT) Core Usage Funding Program, offered by the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS). This program is designed to provide quick access to funding to utilize technical assistance available through ICTS-affiliated Cores, including CHEP, to support research advancing […]